Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lure \'lu.(*)r\ n [ME, fr. ML loire, of Gmc origin; akin to MHG luoder 
   bait; akin to]OE lathian to invite, OHG lado-n 1: a bunch of feathers 
   attached to a long cord and used by a falconer to re call a hawk 2a: an 
   inducement to pleasure or gain : ENTICEMENT  2b: APPEAL, ATTRACTION  3: a 
   decoy for attracting animals to capture; esp : artificial bait  used for 
   catching fish
2. lure vt 1: to recall (a hawk) by means of a lure  2: to tempt with a 
   promise of pleasure or gain : ENTICE : LURE implies a drawing into danger, 
   evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving; ENTICE suggests 
   drawing by artful or adroit means; INVEIGLE implies enticing by cajoling or 
   flattering; DECOY implies a luring into entrapment by artifice; TEMPT 
   implies the presenting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the 
   restraints of conscience or better judgment; SEDUCE implies a leading 
   astray by persuasion or false promises - lur.er n SYN syn ENTICE, INVEIGLE,