Webster's English Dictionary

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1. street \'stre-t\ n [ME strete, fr. OE str-t; akin to OHG 
   stra-za]street; both fr. a prehistoric WGmc word borrowed fr. LL strata 
   paved road, fr. L, fem. of stratus, pp. of sternere to spread out - more at 
   STREW 1a: a thoroughfare esp. in a city, town, or village usu. including 
   sidewalk s and being wider than an alley or lane 1b: the part of a street 
   reserved for vehicles  1c: a thoroughfare with abutting property  2: the 
   people occupying property on a street  3: a promising line of development  
   cap  4: a district (as Wall Street or Fleet Street) identified with a 
   particular  profession
2. street aj 1a: suitable for wear on the street  1b: not touching the 
   ground - used of a woman's dress  2: caused by a street virus {~ distemper}