Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ri.fle \'ri--f*l\ \-f(*-)lin\ \-f(*-)l*r\ vb or ri.fling [ME riflen, fr. 
   MF rifler to scratch, file, plunder, of Gmc origin;] akin to obs. D 
   rijffelen to scrape 1: to ransack esp. with the intent to steal  2: to 
   steal and carry away  : to engage in rifling  - ri.fler n
2. rifle \-f(*-)lin\ vt or ri.fling [F rifler to scratch, file] : to cut 
   spiral grooves into the bore of {rifled arms} {ri fled pipe}
3. rifle \-f*l-m*n\ n 1a: a shoulder weapon with a rifled bore  1b: a 
   rifled artillery piece  pl  2: a body of soldiers armed with rifles  - 
   ri.fle.man n
4. rifle \-f(*-)lin\ vt or ri.fling [3rifle] : to hit or throw (a ball) 
   with great force