Webster's English Dictionary

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1. snuff \'sn*f\ n [ME snoffe] 1: the charred part of a candlewick  obs  
   2a: UMBRAGE, OFFENSE  chiefly Scot  2b: HUFF 
2. snuff vt 1: to crop the snuff of (a candle) by pinching or by the use of 
   snuffers s o as to brighten the light 2: to extinguish by or as if by the 
   use of snuffers 
3. snuff vb [akin to D snuffen to sniff, snuff - more at SNIVEL] 1: to draw 
   forcibly through or into the nostrils  2: SCENT, SMELL  3: to sniff at in 
   order to examine - used of an animal  1: to inhale through the nose noisily 
   and forcibly; also : to snif f or smell inquiringly obs  2: to sniff loudly 
   in or as if in disgust 
4. snuff n : the act of snuffing : SNIFF 
5. snuff n [D snuf, short for snuftabak, fr. snuffen to snuff + tabak] 
   tobacco 1: a preparation of pulverized tobacco to be inhaled through the 
   nostrils  2: the amount of snuff taken at one time : PINCH  : in good shape 
    - up to snuff