Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. alone                  2. single                
1. sol.i.tary \'sa:l-*-.ter-e-\ aj [ME, fr. L solitarius, fr. solitas 
   aloneness, fr. solus alone] 1a: being, living, or going alone or without 
   companions  1b: LONELY  2: UNFREQUENTED, DESOLATE  3: taken, passed, or 
   performed without companions {a ~ ramble}  4: SINGLE, SOLE {a ~ example}  
   5a: occurring singly and not as part of a group or cluster {flowers term 
   inal and ~} 5b: not gregarious, colonial, social, or compound {~ corals ~R 
2. solitary n 1: one who lives or seeks to live a solitary life : RECLUSE  
   2: solitary confinement in prison