Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spon.sor \'spa:n(t)-s*r\ \spa:n-'so-r-e--*l, -'so.r-\ 
   \'spa:n(t)-s*r-.ship\ n [LL, fr. L, guarantor, surety, fr. sponsus, pp. of 
   sponde-re to]promise - more at SPOUSE 1: one who presents a candidate for 
   baptism or confirmation and undertakes  responsibility for his religious 
   education or spiritual welfare 2: one who assumes responsibility for some 
   other person or thing  3: a business firm who pays a broadcaster and the 
   performer for a radio or  television program that allots some time to 
   advertising its products - spon.so.ri.al aj
2. sponsor \'spa:n(t)s-(*-)rin\ vt or spon.sor.ing : to be or stand sponsor 