Webster's English Dictionary

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1. strad.dle \'strad-*l\ \'strad-lin, -*l-in\ \-l*r, -*l-*r\ vb or 
   strad.dling [irreg. fr. stride] 1: to part the legs wide : stand, sit, or 
   walk with the legs wide apart;  esp : to sit astride 2: to spread out 
   irregularly : SPRAWL  3: to be noncommittal : favor or seem to favor two 
   apparently opposite s ides 4: to buy in one market and sell short in 
   another  1: to stand, sit, or be astride of  2: to be noncommittal in 
   regard to {~ an issue}  - strad.dler n
2. straddle n 1: the act or position of one who straddles  2: a 
   noncommittal or equivocal position  3a: an option giving the holder the 
   double privilege of a put and a call  3b: the state of being long in one 
   market and short in another