Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stride \'stri-d\ \'stro-d\ \'strid-*n\ \'stri-d-in\ \'stri-d-*r\ vb or 
   strode;  or strid.den or strid.ing [ME striden, fr. OE stri-dan; akin to 
   MLG striden to strad]dle, OE starian to stare 1: to stand astride  2: to 
   move with or as if with long steps  3: to take a very long step  1: 
   BESTRIDE, STRADDLE  2: to step over  3: to move over or along with or as if 
   with long measured steps  - strid.er n
2. stride n 1: a long step  2: an act of striding  3: a stage of progress : 
   ADVANCE  4a: a cycle of locomotor movements (as of a horse) completed when 
   the feet  regain the initial relative positions; also : the distance 
   traversed in a stride 4b: the most effective natural pace  5: a manner of 