1. strap \'strap\ \-l*s\ n [alter. of strop, fr. ME, band or loop of
leather or rope, fr. OE, thong] often attrib for securing an oar; akin to
MHG strupfe strap; all fr. a prehistoric WGmc word borrowed fr. L struppus,
fr. Gk strophos twisted band; akin to Gk strephein to twist - more at
STROPHE 1: a band, plate, or loop of metal for binding objects together or
for clam ping an object in position 2a: a narrow usu. flat strip or thong
of a flexible material and esp. leath er used variously (as for securing,
holding together, or wrapping) 2b: something made of a strap forming a loop
{boot ~} 2c: a strip of leather used for flogging 2d: STROP 3: a shoe
fastened with a usu. buckled strap Irish 4: TROLLOP - strap.less aj
2. strap vt or strapped; or 1a1: to secure with or attach by
means of a strap 1a2: to support (as a sprained joint) with overlapping
strips of adhesive plaster 1b: BIND, CONSTRICT 2: to beat or punish with
a strap 3: STROP