Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plas.ter \'plas-t*r\ \-.w*rk\ \-t(*-)re-\ n [ME, fr. OE, fr. L 
   emplastrum, fr. Gk emplastron, fr. emplassein] to plaster on, fr. en- + 
   plassein to mold, plaster; akin to L planus level, flat - more at FLOOR 1: 
   a pharmaceutical preparation stiffer than ointment usu. applied to the b 
   ody spread on some surface (as of cloth); broadly : something applied to 
   heal and soothe 2: a pasty composition (as of lime, water, and sand) that 
   hardens on drying  and is used for coating walls, ceilings, and partitions 
   - plas.ter.work n
2. plaster \-t(*-)rin\ \-t*r-*r\ vb or plas.ter.ing 1: to overlay or cover 
   with plaster : COAT  2: to apply a plaster to  3a: to cover over or conceal 
   as if with a coat of plaster  3b: to apply as a coating or incrustation  
   3c: to smooth down with a sticky or shiny substance  4: to fasten or apply 
   tightly to another surface  5: to treat with plaster of paris  6: to affix 
   to or place upon esp. conspicuously or in quantity  : to apply plaster  - 
   plas.ter.er n