Webster's English Dictionary

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1. boot \'bu:t\ n [ME, fr. OE bo-t remedy; akin to OE betera better] 
   archaic  1: DELIVERANCE  chiefly dial  2: something to equalize a trade  
   obs  3: AVAIL  : BESIDES  - to boot 
2. boot vb archaic  : AVAIL, PROFIT 
3. boot n [ME, fr. MF bote] 1: a covering of leather or rubber for the foot 
   and leg  2: an instrument of torture used to crush the leg and foot  3: a 
   sheath or casing resembling a boot that provides a protective covering  for 
   the foot or leg or for an object or part resembling a leg 4: a sheath 
   enclosing the inflorescence  Brit  5: an automobile trunk  6: a blow 
   delivered by or as if by a booted foot : KICK; also  : a rude discharge or 
   dismissal 7: a navy or marine recruit undergoing basic training 
4. boot vt 1: to put boots on  2a: KICK  2b: to eject or discharge 
   summarily  3: to make an error on (a grounder in baseball) 
5. boot n [1boot] archaic  : BOOTY, PLUNDER