Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. township              
town \'tau.n\ n [ME, fr. OE tu-n enclosure, village, town; akin to OHG zu-n 
   e]nclosure, OIr du-n fortress dial Eng  1: a cluster or aggregation of 
   houses recognized as a distinct place with a  place-name : HAMLET 2a: a 
   compactly settled area as distinguished from surrounding rural territ ory 
   2b: a compactly settled area usu. larger than a village but smaller than a  
   city 2c: a large densely populated urban area : CITY  2d: an English 
   village having a periodic fair or market  3: a neighboring city, capital 
   city, or metropolis  4: the city or urban life as contrasted with the 
   country  5: a New England territorial and political unit usu. containing 
   both rural  and unincorporated urban areas under a single town government 
   5: ; also : a New England community governed by a town meeting  - town aj