Webster's English Dictionary

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suave \'swa:v\ \'swa:v-*t-e-\ aj [MF, pleasant, sweet, fr. L suavis - more 
   at SWEET] : POLISHED, URBANE; also : SMOOTHM, POLITIC mean ingratiatingly 
   tactful and well-mannered. SUAVE suggests a specific ability to encourage 
   easy and frictionless dealings with others; URBANE implies high cultivation 
   and poise coming from wide social experience; DIPLOMATIC stresses an 
   ability to deal with ticklish situations tactfully; BLAND emphasizes 
   mildness of manner and absence of irritating qualities; SMOOTH suggests 
   often a deliberately assumed suavity; POLITIC implies shrewd as well as 
   tactful and suave handling of people - suave.ly av SYN syn SUAVE, URBANE,