Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wit.ness \'wit-n*s\ n [ME witnesse, fr. OE witnes knowledge, testimony, 
   witness, fr. 2]wit 1: attestation of a fact or event : TESTIMONY  2: one 
   that gives evidence; specif : one who testifies in a cause o r before a 
   judicial tribunal 3: one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be 
   able to testify to  its having taken place 4: one who has personal 
   knowledge of something  5: something serving as evidence or proof : SIGN 
2. witness vt 1: to testify to : ATTEST  2: to act as legal witness of  3: 
   to furnish proof of : BETOKEN  4: to see or know by personal presence or 
   direct cognizance  5: to constitute the scene of  1: to bear witness : 
   TESTIFY  2: to bear witness to one's religious convictions