Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. number                
thou.sand \'thau.z-*n(d)\ \-*n(t)th\ \-*n(t)s, -*n(t)ths\ n or thousands or 
   thousand or thousandths [ME, fr. OE thu-send; akin to OHG du-sunt thousand; 
   both fr.] pl a prehistoric Gmc compound whose constituents are respectively 
   akin toRuss tysyacha thousand, Skt tavas strong, L tume-re to swell and to 
   OE hund hundred - more at THUMB 2a: the numerable quantity symbolized by 
   the arabic numerals 1000  2b: the letter M  3: the number occupying the 
   position four to the left of the decimal point  in the Arabic notation 4: a 
   very large number {had a ~ things to do}  pl  - thousand aj