Webster's English Dictionary

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1. thumb \'th*m\ n [ME thoume, thoumbe, fr. OE thu-ma; akin to OHG thu-]mo 
   thumb, L tume-re to swell, Gk so-s safe, whole 1: the first digit of the 
   human hand opposable to the other fingers; als o : the corresponding digit 
   in lower animals 2: the part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb  3: 
   a convex molding : OVOLO 
2. thumb vt 1a: to leaf through (pages) with the thumb : TURN  1b: to soil 
   or wear by or as if by repeated thumbing  2: to request or obtain (a ride) 
   in a passing automobile by signaling with  the thumb : to place the thumb 
   at one's nose and extend the fingers as a gesture of  scorn or defiance - 
   thumb one's nose