Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. empty                 
va.cant \-k*nt\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L vacant-, vacans, prp. of vacare to be 
   empt]y, be free - more at VACUUM 1: not occupied by an incumbent, 
   possessor, or officer {~ office (R@ throne} 2: being without content or 
   occupant {~ seat on a bus ~ room } 3: free from activity or work : 
   DISENGAGED {~ hours}  4a: STUPID, FOOLISH {~ mind}  4b: EXPRESSIONLESS {~ 
   face}  4c: marked by a respite from reflection or care  5: not lived in {~ 
   house}  6a: not put to use {~ land}  6b: having no heir or claimant : 
   ABANDONED {~ estate}  - va.cant.ly av