Webster's English Dictionary

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1. vel.vet \'vel-v*t\ n [ME veluet, velvet, fr. MF velu shaggy, fr. 
   (assumed) VL v]illutus, fr. L villus shaggy hair; akin to L vellus fleece - 
   more at WOOL 1: a clothing and upholstery fabric in a wide range of 
   constructions and we ights made of silk, rayon, cotton, nylon, or wool and 
   characterized by a short soft dense pile 2a: something suggesting velvet  
   2b1: SOFTNESS  2b2: SMOOTHNESS  3: the soft vascular skin that envelops and 
   nourishes the developing antler s of deer 4a: the cash or chips a player is 
   ahead in a gambling game : WINNINGS)M 4b: a profit or gain beyond ordinary 
2. velvet aj 1: made of or covered with velvet; also : clad in velvet  2: 
   resembling or suggesting velvet : VELVETY