1. vol.un.teer \.va:l-*n-'ti(*)r\ n [obs. F voluntaire (now volontaire),
fr. voluntaire, adj., vo]luntary, fr. L voluntarius 1: one who enters into
or offers himself for any service of his own free wi ll : as 1a: one who
enters into military service voluntarily 1b1: one who renders a service or
takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest 1b2:
one who receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving v
aluable consideration 2: a volunteer plant
2. volunteer aj 1: of, relating to, or consisting of volunteers : VOLUNTARY
2: growing spontaneously without direct human control or supervision esp.
from seeds lost from a previous crop
3. volunteer vt : to offer or bestow voluntarily {~ one's services} to
offer on eself as a volunteer