Webster's English Dictionary

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de.cide \di-'si-d\ vb [ME deciden, fr. MF decider, fr. L decidere, lit., to 
   cut off], fr. de- + caedere to cut 1: to arrive at a solution that ends 
   uncertainty or dispute about  2: to bring to a definite end {one blow 
   decided the fight}  3: to induce to come to a choice  : to make a choice or 
   judgmentM implies the cutting off of debate, doubt, or wavering; DETERMINE 
   adds the implication of fixing something definitely or unalterably {decide 
   to give a dinner; determine the guest list} SETTLE implies a decision 
   reached by someone with power to end all dispute or uncertainty; RULE 
   implies a determination by judicial or administrative authority; RESOLVE 
   implies a firm decision to act or refrain esp. after clearing up doubts or 
   uncertainties or difficulties - de.cid.er n SYN syn DETERMINE, SETTLE,