Cross references:
1. volume \'sil-*n-d*r\ \-d*rd\ n [MF or L; MF cylindre, fr. L cylindrus,
fr. Gk kylindros, fr.] kylindein to roll 1a: the surface traced by a
straight line moving parallel to a fixed straig ht line and intersecting a
fixed curve 1b: the space bounded by any such surface and two parallel
planes cutting a ll the elements 2: a cylindrical body : as 2a: the
turning chambered breech of a revolver 2b1: the piston chamber in an
engine 2b2: a chamber in a pump from which the piston expels the fluid
2c: any of various rotating members in printing presses; esp : one that
impresses paper on an inked form 2d: a cylindrical clay object inscribed
with cuneiform inscriptions - aj