Webster's English Dictionary

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hole \'ho-l\ \'ho-l*-b*l\ \-l*r\ \-le-\ n [ME, fr. OE hol (fr. neut. of 
   hol, adj., hollow) & holh; akin] to OHG hol, adj., hollow, L caulis stalk, 
   stem, Gk kaulos 1: an opening into or through a thing  2a: a hollow place; 
   esp : PIT, CAVE  2b: a deep place in a body of water  2c: a defect in a 
   crystal (as of a semiconductor) due to an electron having  left its normal 
   position in one of the crystal bonds that is equivalent in many respects to 
   a positively charged particle 3: an underground habitation : BURROW  4: 
   FLAW, FAULT  5: the unit of play from the tee to the cup in golf  6: a mean 
   or dingy place  7: an awkward position : FIX  : having a score below zero  
   - hole vb