Webster's English Dictionary

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1. buf.fet \'b*f-*t\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF, dim. of buffe] 1: a blow esp. 
   with the hand  2: something that affects like a blow 
2. buffet vt 1: to strike with or as if with the hand  2a: to strike 
   repeatedly : BATTER  2b: to contend against  1: STRIVE, CONTEND  2: to make 
   one's way esp. under difficult conditions 
3. buf.fet \(.)b*-'fa-, bu:-\ n [F] 1: a sideboard often without a mirror  
   2: a cupboard or set of shelves for the display of tableware  3a: a counter 
   for refreshments  chiefly Brit  3b: a restaurant operated as a public 
   convenience (as in a railway station)  3c: a meal set out on a buffet or a 
   table to be eaten without formal servic e