chap.el \'chap-*l\ n [ME, fr. OF chapele, fr. ML cappella, fr. dim. of LL
cappa cl]oak; fr. the cloak of St. Martin of Tours preserved as a sacred
relic in a chapel built for that purpose 1: a subordinate or private place
of worship : as 1a: a place of worship in a residence or institution 1b:
a room or recess in a church for meditation and prayer or small religio us
services 2: a choir of singers belonging to a chapel (as of a prince) 3: a
chapel service or assembly at a school or college 4: an association of the
employees in a printing office 5: a place of worship used by a Christian
group other than an established c hurch {a nonconformist ~} 6a: FUNERAL
HOME 6b: a room for funeral services in a funeral home