Webster's English Dictionary

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1. clew or clue \'klu:\ n [ME clewe, fr. OE cliewen; akin to OHG kliuwa 
   ball, Skt gl]au lump 1: a ball of thread, yarn, or cord  usu clue  2: 
   something that guides through an intricate procedure or maze of difficul 
   ties; specif : a piece of evidence tending to lead one toward the solution 
   of a problem 3a: a metal loop attached to the lower corner of a sail  pl  
   3b: a combination of lines by which a hammock is suspended 
2. clew or clue vt or clewed or clued;  or clew.ing;  or clue.ing;  or 
   clu.ing 1: to roll into a ball  usu clue  2: to provide with a clue  3: to 
   haul (a sail) up or down by ropes through the clews