Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. pull                  
1. haul \'ho.l\ vb [ME halen to pull, fr. OF haler, of Gmc origin; akin to 
   MD halen] to pull; akin to OE geholian to obtain 1: to change the course of 
   (a ship) esp. so as to sail closer to the wind  2a: to exert traction on : 
   DRAW  2b: to obtain or move by hauling  2c: to transport in a vehicle : 
   CART  3: HALE  1: to exert traction : PULL  2: to furnish transportation  
   of the wind  3: SHIFT  - haul.er n
2. haul n 1a: the act or process of hauling : PULL  1b: a device for 
   hauling  2a: the result of an effort to collect : TAKE  2b: the fish taken 
   in a single draft of a net  3a: transportation by hauling  3b: the distance 
   or route over which a load is transported  3c: a quantity transported :