Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pump \'p*mp\ n [ME pumpe, pompe, fr. MLG pumpe or MD pompe, prob. fr.]Sp 
   bomba, of imit. origin 1: a device that raises, transfers, or compresses 
   fluids or that attenuates  gases esp. by suction or pressure or both 2: 
2. pump vt 1: to raise (as water) with a pump  2: to pour forth, deliver, 
   or draw with or as if with a pump  3a: to question persistently  3b: to 
   elicit by such means  4: to draw fluid from with a pump  5a: to manipulate 
   as or as if a pump handle  5b: to operate by manipulating a lever  6: to 
   fill with air by means of a pump or bellows  1: to work a pump : raise or 
   move a fluid with a pump  2: to move up and down like a pump handle  3: to 
   spurt out intermittently  - pump.er n
3. pump n [origin unknown] : a low shoe not fastened on and gripping the 
   foot chiefly at the toe and  heel