Webster's English Dictionary

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de.co.rum \di-'ko-r-*m, -'ko.r-\ n [L, fr. neut. of decorus] 1: literary 
   and dramatic propriety : FITNESS  2: propriety and good taste in conduct or 
   appearance  3: ORDERLINESS  pl  4: OBSERVANCE, CONVENTION ECORUM suggests 
   conduct according with good taste, often formally prescribed; DECENCY 
   implies behavior according with normal self-respect or humane feeling for 
   others, or with what is fitting to a particular profession or condition in 
   life; PROPRIETY suggests an artificial standard of what is correct in 
   conduct or speech; DIGNITY implies reserve or restraint in conduct prompted 
   less by obedience to a code than by a sense of personal integrity or of 
   social importance; ETIQUETTE is the usual term for the detailed rules 
   governing manners and conduct and for the observance of these rules SYN syn