Webster's English Dictionary

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con.ven.tion \k*n-'ven-ch*n\ n [ME, fr. MF or lL; MF, fr. L convention-, 
   conventio, fr. convent]us, pp. of convenire to come together, be suitable, 
   fr. com- + venire to come 1a: AGREEMENT, CONTRACT  1b: an agreement between 
   states for regulation of matters affecting all of  them 1c: a compact 
   between opposing commanders esp. concerning prisoner exchange  or armistice 
   1d: a general agreement about basic principles; also : a principle  that is 
   true by convention 2a: the summoning or convening of an assembly  2b: an 
   assembly of persons met for a common purpose  2c: the usu. state or 
   national organization of a religious denomination  3a: usage or custom esp. 
   in social matters  3b: a rule of conduct or behavior  3c: a practice in 
   bidding or playing that conveys information between partn ers in a card 
   game (as bridge)