1. dif.fer.en.tial \.dif-*-'ren-ch*l\ \-'rench-(*-)le-\ aj 1a: of, relating
to, or constituting a difference : DISTINGUISHING 1b: making a distinction
between individuals or classes 1c: based upon or resulting from a
differential 1d: functioning or proceeding differently or at a different
rate 2: relating to or involving a differential or differentiation 3a:
relating to quantitative differences 3b: producing effects by reason of
such differences - dif.fer.en.tial.ly av
2. differential n 1a: the product of the derivative of a function of one
variable by the incr ement of the independent variable 1b: the sum of the
products of each partial derivative of a function of sev eral variables by
the arbitrary increments of the corresponding variables 2a: the difference
between transportation rates over different routes allow ed to carriers to
equalize traffic distribution 2b: an amount added to or deducted from a
transportation rate 3: a difference in wage rates reflecting differences
in working conditions, worker status, or job standards 4: the amount or
degree by which comparable individuals or classes differ