1. drone \'dro-n\ n [ME, fr. OE dra-n; akin to OHG treno drone] 1: the male
of a bee (as the honeybee) that has no sting and gathers no hon ey 2: one
that lives on the labors of others : PARASITE 3: a pilotless airplane or
ship controlled by radio signals
2. drone \'dro--nin-le-\ vi 1a: to make a sustained deep murmuring,
humming, or buzzing sound 1b: to talk in a persistently dull or monotonous
tone 2: to pass, proceed, or act in a dull, drowsy, or indifferent manner
1: to utter or pronounce with a drone 2: to pass or spend dully - dron.er
3. drone n 1a: BAGPIPE 1b: one of the usu. three pipes on a bagpipe that
sound fixed continuous to nes 2: a deep sustained or monotonous sound : HUM
3: an unvarying sustained bass note