Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dum.my \'d*m-e-\ n 1a: one who is incapable of speaking  1b: one who is 
   habitually silent  1c: one who is stupid  2a: the exposed hand in bridge 
   played by the declarer in addition to his ow n hand 2b: a bridge player 
   whose hand is a dummy  3: an imitation, copy, or likeness of something used 
   as a substitute  4: one seeming to act for himself but in reality acting 
   for or at the direc tion of another 5: something usu. mechanically operated 
   that serves to replace or aid a hum an being's work 6: a pattern 
   arrangement of matter to be reproduced esp. by printing 
2. dummy aj 1a: having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to 
   function :: ARTIFICIAL 1b: existing in name only : FICTITIOUS  2: 
   apparently acting for oneself while really acting for or at the directi on 
   of another {a ~ director}