Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. period                
era \'i(*)r-*, 'er-*, 'e--r*\ n [LL aera, fr. L, counters, pl. of aer-, aes 
   copper, money -] more at ORE 1: a system of chronological notation computed 
   from a given date as basis  2a: a fixed point in time for which a series of 
   years is reckoned  2b: a memorable or important date or event; esp : one 
   that begins a  new period in the history of a person or thing 3a: a period 
   set off or typified by some prominent figure or characteristic  feature 3b: 
   a stage in the development of a person or thing; specif : one o f the five 
   major divisions of geologic time {Paleozoic ~}