Webster's English Dictionary

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gal.lery \'gal-(*-)re-\ n [ME galerie, fr. ML galeria] 1a: a roofed 
   promenade : COLONNADE  1b: CORRIDOR  2a: an outdoor balcony  South & 
   Midland  2b: PORCH, VERANDA  2c1: a platform at the quarters or stern of a 
   ship  2c2: a gun platform or emplacement on a ship  2d: a railed walk 
   around the upper part of an engine to facilitate oiling o r inspection 3a: 
   a long and narrow passage, apartment, or corridor  3b: a subterranean 
   passageway in a cave or military mining system; also)X : a working drift or 
   level in mining 3c: an underground passage made by a mole or ant or a 
   passage made in wood  by an insect 4a: a room or building devoted to the 
   exhibition of works of art  4b: an institution or business exhibiting or 
   dealing in works of art  4c: a collection of specimens worth showing  5a: a 
   structure projecting from one or more interior walls of an auditorium  to 
   accommodate additional people; esp : the highest balcony in a theater 
   commonly having the cheapest seats 5b: the part of a theater audience 
   seated in the top gallery  5c: the undiscriminating general public  5d: the 
   spectators at a tennis or golf match  6: a photographer's studio