1. freeze \'fre-z\ \'fro-z\ \'fro-z-*n\ vb or froze; or fro.zen or [ME fresen, fr. OE fre-osan; akin to OHG friosan to freeze], L
prunia hoarfrost 1: to become congealed into ice by cold : SOLIDIFY 2a: to
become chilled with cold {almost froze to death} 2b: to become coldly
formal in manner 3: to adhere solidly by freezing 4: to become clogged
with ice {the water pipes froze} 5: to become fixed or motionless; esp :
to become incapable of act ing or speaking 1: to harden into ice 2a: to
make extremely cold : CHILL 2b: to act toward in a stiff and formal way
3a: to act on usu. destructively by frost 3b: to anesthetize by cold 4:
to cause to grip tightly or remain in immovable contact 5a: to cause to
become fixed, immovable, or unalterable 5b: to forbid further manufacture,
use, or sale of (a raw material) 5c: to immobilize by governmental
regulation the expenditure, withdrawal, or exchange of (foreign-owned bank
2. freeze n 1: a state of weather marked by low temperature 2a: an act or
instance of freezing 2b: the state of being frozen