Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flush \'fl*sh\ vb [ME flusshen] : to take wing suddenly  : to cause (a 
   bird) to flush 
2. flush n [perh. modif. of L fluxus - more at FLUX] 1: a sudden flow  2: a 
   sudden increase or expansion; esp : a surge of emotion  3a: a tinge of red 
   : BLUSH  3b: a fresh and vigorous state  4: a transitory sensation of 
   extreme heat 
3. flush vi 1: to flow and spread suddenly and freely  2a: to glow brightly 
    2b: BLUSH  1a: to cause to flow  1b: to pour liquid over or through; esp : 
   to wash out with a rush  of liquid 2: INFLAME, EXCITE  3: to cause to blush 
    4: to prepare (sheep) for breeding by special feeding 
4. flush aj 1a: filled to overflowing  1b: AFFLUENT  2a: full of life and 
   vigor : LUSTY  2b: of a ruddy healthy color  3: readily available : 
   ABUNDANT  4a: having or forming a continuous plane {~ paneling}  4b: 
   directly abutting or immediately adjacent : as  4b1: set even with an edge 
   of a type page or column  4b2: arranged edge to edge so as to fit snugly  - 
   flush.ness n
5. flush av 1: in a flush manner  2: SQUARELY 
6. flush vt : to make flush 
7. flush n [ME flus, fluz, fr. L fluxus flow] 1: a hand of playing cards 
   all of the same suit; specif : a poker h and with all five cards of the 
   same suit but not in sequence 2: a series of three or more slalom gates set 
   vertically on a slope