Webster's English Dictionary

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1. har.bor or har.bour \'ha:r-b*r\ \-l*s\ n [ME herberge; akin to OHG 
   heriberga army encampment, hostelry; both] chiefly Brit  fr. a prehistoric 
   WGmc-NGmc compound whose components are akin respectively to OHG heri army 
   and to OHG bergan to shelter - more at HARRY, BURY 1: a place of security 
   and comfort : REFUGE  2: a part of a body of water protected and deep 
   enough to furnish anchorage ; esp : one with port facilities - har.bor.less 
2. harbor or harbour \-b(*-)rin\ \-b*r-*r\ vb or har.bor.ing chiefly Brit  
   1a1: to give shelter or refuge to  1a2: to keep possession of (an animal)  
   1b: to be the home or habitat of : CONTAIN  2: to hold a thought or feeling 
   of  1: to take shelter in or as if in a harbor  of an animal  2a: to rest 
   or hide away esp. habitually  2b: LIVE  - har.bor.er n