Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bait                  
1. hound \'hau.nd\ n [ME, fr. OE hund; akin to OHG hunt dog, L canis, Gk 
   ky-]on 1a: DOG  1b: a dog of any of various hunting breeds typically having 
   large drooping  ears and a deep voice and following their prey by scent 2: 
   a despicable person  3: DOGFISH  4: ADDICT, FAN 
2. hound vt : to pursue with or as if with hounds  - hound.er n
3. hound n [ME hune, of Scand origin; akin to OH hu-nn cube - more at ]CAVE 
   pl  1: the framing at the masthead of a ship to support the heel of the 
   topmast  and the upper parts of the lower rigging 2: a side bar connecting 
   and giving rigidity to parts of a wagon