Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wagon or wag.gon \'wag-*n\ n [E wagen, fr. MD - more at WAIN] chiefly 
   Brit  1a: a four-wheel vehicle for transporting bulky commodities drawn 
   orig. by  animals 1b: a lighter typically horse-drawn vehicle for 
   transporting goods or passe ngers 1c: PATROL WAGON  Brit  2: a railway 
   freight car  3: a low four-wheel vehicle with an open rectangular body and 
   a retroflex t ongue made for the play or use (as for carrying newspapers) 
   of a child 4: a small wheeled table used for the service of a dining room  
   5: a delivery truck {milk ~}  6: STATION WAGON  : no longer abstaining from 
   alcoholic beverages  : abstaining from alcoholic beverages  - off the wagon 
2. wagon vi : to travel or transport goods by wagon to transport (goods) by 