1. hud.dle \'h*d-*l\ \'h*d-lin, -*l-in\ \'h*d-l*r, -*l-*r\ vb or hud.dling
[prob. fr. or akin to ME hoderen to huddle] Brit 1: to arrange carelessly
or hurriedly 2a: to crowd together 2b: to draw (oneself) together :
CROUCH archaic 3: to herd into or out of a place in a disorderly mass
1a: to gather in a group 1b: to curl up : CROUCH 2: to hold a
consultation : CONFER; specif : to gather beh ind the scrimmage line in a
football game and agree on team strategy - hud.dler n
2. huddle n 1: a close-packed group : BUNCH 2a: MEETING, CONFERENCE 2b: a
strategy conference of football players behind the line of scrimmage