Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sour \'sau.(*)r\ \'sau.(*)r-ish\ aj [ME, fr. OE su-r; akin to OHG su-r 
   sour, Lith suras sal]ty 1: causing or characterized by the basic taste 
   sensation produced chiefly  by acids 2a1: having the acid taste or smell of 
   or as if of fermentation : TUR NED {~ milk} 2a2: of or relating to 
   fermentation  2b: smelling or tasting of decay : RANCID, ROTTEN {~  breath} 
   2c1: BAD, WRONG {a project gone ~}  2c2: DISENCHANTED, HOSTILE {went ~ on 
   Marxism}  3a: UNPLEASANT, DISTASTEFUL  3b: CROSS, SULLEN  4: acid in 
   reaction - used of soil  5a: containing malodorous sulfur compounds - used 
   esp. of petroleum prod ucts 5b: JARRING, POOR {play a ~ note} that which 
   has lost its natural sweetness or freshness through fermentation or decay; 
   ACID applies to what has a biting taste naturally or normally; ACIDULOUS 
   implies a slight acidity; TART suggests a sharp but usu. agreeable acidity 
   - sour.ish aj SYN syn ACID, ACIDULOUS, TART: SOUR usu. applies to 
2. sour n 1a: something sour  1b: the primary taste sensation produced by 
   acid stimuli  2: a cocktail made with spirituous liquor, lemon or lime 
   juice, sugar, and  sometimes soda water
3. sour vi : to become sour to make sour