Webster's English Dictionary

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in.de.co.rous \(')in-'dek-(*-)r*s; .in-di-'ko-r-*s, -'ko.r-\ aj [L 
   indecorus, fr. in- + decorus decorous] : not decorous MINDELICATE: 
   INDECOROUS suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners; 
   IMPROPER applies to a broader range of transgressions of rules not only of 
   social behavior but of ethical practice or logical procedure or prescribed 
   method; UNSEEMLY adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a 
   situation or an offensiveness to good taste; INDECENT implies great 
   unseemliness or gross offensiveness esp. in referring to sexual matters; 
   UNBECOMING suggests behavior or language that does not suit one's character 
   or status; INDELICATE implies a lack of modesty or of tact or of refined 
   perception of feeling - in.de.co.rous.ly av SYN syn IMPROPER, UNSEEMLY,