Webster's English Dictionary

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1. how \(')hau.\ av [ME, fr. OE hu-; akin to OHG hwuo how, OE hwa- who 
   -]more at WHO 1a: in what manner or way  1b: with what meaning : to what 
   effect  1c: by what name or title  1d: for what reason : WHY  2: to what 
   degree or extent  3: in what state or condition  4: at what price {~ a 
   score of ewes now -Shak.}  : what do you say say to or think of  - how 
2. how cj 1a1: the way or manner in which {remember ~ they fought}; als o : 
   the state or condition in which 1a2: of the way or manner in which {be 
   careful ~ you talk}  1b: THAT {told them ~ he had a situation -Charles 
   Dickens)> 2: in whatever way or manner : HOWEVER, AS {a reader can s hift 
   his attention ~ he likes -William Empson}
3. how \'hau.\ n 1: a question about manner or method  2: MANNER, METHOD