Webster's English Dictionary

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mar.gin.al \'ma:rj-n*l, -*n-*l\ \.ma:r-j*-'nal-*t-e-\ \'ma:rj-n*-le-, 
   -*n-*l-e-\ aj [ML marginalis, fr. L margin-, margo] 1: written or printed 
   in the margin of a page or sheet {~ notes}  2a: of, relating to, or 
   situated at a margin or border  2b1: occupying the borderland of a 
   relatively stable territorial or cultur al area {~ tribes} 2b2: 
   characterized by the incorporation of habits and values from two dive rgent 
   cultures and by incomplete assimilation in either {the ~ cultural habits of 
   new immigrant groups} 3: located at the fringe of consciousness {~ 
   sensations}  4a: close to the lower limit of qualification or acceptability 
   {~  ability} 4b1: having a character or capacity fitted to yield a supply 
   of goods whic h when marketed at existing price levels will barely cover 
   the cost of production {~ land} 4b2: of, relating to, or derived from goods 
   produced and marketed with suc h result {~ profits} - mar.gin.al.i.ty n