Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dive \'di-v\ \'di-vd\ \'do-v\ \'di--vin\ vb or dived or dove;  or dived 
   or div.ing [ME diven, duven, fr. OE dy-fan to dip & du-fan to dive]; akin 
   to OE dyppan to dip - more at DIP 1a: to plunge into water headfirst; 
   specif : to execute a dive  1b: SUBMERGE  2a: to descend or fall 
   precipitously  2b: to plunge one's hand into something  of an airplane  2c: 
   to descend in a dive  3a: to plunge into some matter or activity  3b: DART, 
   LUNGE {dived for his legs}  1: to thrust into something  2: to cause to 
2. dive n 1: the act or an instance of diving : as  1a1: a plunge into 
   water executed in a prescribed manner  1a2: a submerging of a submarine  
   1a3: a steep descent of an airplane at greater than the maximum horizontal  
   speed 1b: a sharp decline  2: a disreputable bar  slang  3: a faked 