Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mend \'mend\ vb [ME menden, short for amenden - more at AMEND] 1a: to 
   improve in manners or morals : REFORM  1b: to set right : CORRECT  1c: to 
   put into good shape or working order again : patch up : REPA IR 1d: to 
   restore to health : CURE  2: to make amends or atonement for {least said, 
   soonest ~ed)> 1: to improve morally : REFORM  2: to become corrected or 
   improved  3: to improve in health; also : HEAL implies making whole or 
   sound something broken, torn, or injured; REPAIR applies to the mending of 
   more extensive damage or dilapidation; PATCH implies an often temporary 
   mending of a rent or breach by the insertion of new material; REBUILD 
   suggests making like new without completely replacing; REMODEL implies 
   making considerable change in structure or design - mend.er n SYN syn 
2. mend n 1: an act of mending : REPAIR  2: a mended place  : IMPROVING  - 
   on the mend