Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tooth \'tu:th\ \'te-th\ \-.li-k\ n or teeth [ME, fr. OE to-th; akin to 
   OHG zand tooth, L dent-, den] pl s, Gk odont-, odous 1a: one of the hard 
   bony appendages that are borne on the jaws or in many o f the lower 
   vertebrates on other bones in the walls of the mouth or pharynx and serve 
   esp. for the prehension and mastication of food and as weapons of offense 
   and defense 1b: any of various usu. hard and sharp processes esp. about the 
   mouth of an  invertebrate 2: TASTE, LIKING  3: a projection resembling or 
   suggesting the tooth of an animal in shape, a rrangement, or action {saw ~} 
   : as 3a: one of the regular projections on the circumference or sometimes 
   the fa ce of a wheel that engage with corresponding projections on another 
   wheel esp. to transmit force : COG 3b: a small sharp-pointed marginal lobe 
   or process on a plant  4a: something that injures, tortures, devours, or 
   destroys  pl  4b: effective means of enforcement  5: a roughness of surface 
   produced by mechanical or artificial means  - tooth.like aj
2. tooth \'tu:th, 'tu:th\ vt : to furnish with teeth; specif : INDENT, JAG 
   {~  a saw}