Webster's English Dictionary

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1. nee.dle \'ne-d-*l\ \'ne-d-*l-.(l)i-k\ n [ME nedle, fr. OE n-dl; 
   akin to OHG na-dala ne] often attrib edle, na-jan to sew, L ne-re to spin, 
   Gk ne-n 1a: a small slender usu. steel instrument with an eye for thread at 
   one end  used for sewing 1b: any of various devices for carrying thread and 
   making stitches in croch eting, knitting, netting, or hooking 1c1: a needle 
   designed to carry sutures when sewing tissues in surgery  1c2: a slender 
   hollow instrument for introducing material into or removing  material from 
   the body parenterally 1c3: a hollow device designed to contain radioactive 
   material  2: a slender usu. sharp-pointed indicator on a dial; specif : MA 
   GNETIC NEEDLE 3a: a slender pointed object resembling a needle : as  3a1: a 
   pointed crystal  3a2: a sharp rock  3a3: OBELISK  3b: a needle-shaped leaf 
   (as of a conifer)  3c: a slender piece of jewel, steel, wood, or fiber with 
   a rounded tip used  in a phonograph to transmit vibrations from the record 
   3d: a slender pointed rod controlling a fine inlet or outlet (as in a valve 
   ) - nee.dle.like aj
2. needle \'ne-d-lin, -*l-in\ \-l*r, -*l-*r\ vb or nee.dling 1: to sew or 
   pierce with or as if with a needle  2: PROD, GOAD; esp : to incite to 
   action by repeated g ibes 3: to strengthen (a beverage) by adding raw 
   alcohol  : SEW, EMBROIDER  - nee.dler n