1. shot \'sha:t\ n or shot [ME, fr. OE scot; akin to ON skot shot, OHG
scuz, OE sceB-otan to shoot - more at SHOOT 1a: an action of shooting 1b:
directed propelling of a missile; specif : a directed discharge of a
firearm 1c: a stroke or throw in a game 1d: BLAST 1e: INJECTION pl 2a:
something propelled by shooting; esp : small lead or steel pell ets esp.
forming a charge for a shotgun 2b: a metal sphere of iron or brass that is
put for distance 3a: the distance that a missile is or can be thrown 3b:
RANGE, REACH 4: a charge to be paid : SCOT 5: one that shoots : MARKSMAN
6a: ATTEMPT, TRY 6b: GUESS, CONJECTURE 6c: CHANCE 7: a remark so
directed as to have a telling effect 8a: a single photographic exposure;
esp : SNAPSHOT 8b: a single sequence of a motion picture or a television
program shot by o ne camera without interruption 9: a charge of explosives
10a: a single drink of liquor 10b: a small amount applied at one time DOSE
2. shot aj of a fabric 1a: having contrasting and changeable color effects
that react varyingly t o dyes : IRIDESCENT 1b: suffused or streaked with a
color {hair ~ with gray} 1c: PERMEATED {~ through with wit} 2: having the
form of pellets resembling shot 3: reduced to a state of ruin,
prostration, or uselessness