Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pre.serve \pri-'z*rv\ vb [ME preserven, fr. MF preserver, fr. ML 
   praeservare, fr. LL,]to observe beforehand, fr. L prae- + servare to keep, 
   guard, observe - more at CONSERVE 1: to keep safe from injury, harm, or 
   destruction : PROTECT  2a: to keep alive, intact, or free from decay  2b: 
   MAINTAIN  3a: to keep or save from decomposition  3b: to can, pickle, or 
   similarly prepare for future use  4: to keep up and reserve for personal or 
   special use  1: to make preserves  2: to raise and protect game for 
   purposes of sport  3: to stand preserving (as by canning)  - pre.serv.er n
2. preserve n 1: something that preserves or is designed to preserve  2: 
   fruit canned or made into jams or jellies or cooked whole or in large pi 
   eces with sugar so as to keep its shape - often used in pl. 3: an area 
   restricted for the protection and preservation of animals, trees , or other 
   natural resources; esp : one used primarily for regulated hunting or 
   fishing 4: something regarded as reserved for certain persons